Top 3 Tips for Wedding Venue Visits
Are you at the stage in your wedding preparations where your top list of wedding venues has been narrowed down? If so, you may now be wondering where to go from here. While thinning the herd may have been easy, comparing your top choices and making your final decision is bound to be a different story. As such, you’ll need to be well prepared before the wedding venue tours begin, and know exactly what you want if you’d like your venue visits to lead you to the right choice.
In this blog, we are going to provide you with our top 3 tips for wedding venue visits. They’ll be sure to help you balance the fun of having a good day out with your fiance, with the serious business of inspecting your prospective venues with a fine-tooth comb and narrowing down your choice.
So let’s get started…
1. Make Sure you’ve Booked an Appointment
While making a drop-in visit may initially feel like a good idea (because you’ll get to survey the venue without being blinded by the pomp and fanfare associated with scheduled visits), it rarely ever goes well. If you drop in, you may find that there won’t be anyone available to show you around. In addition, you also won’t get to learn all the important details that you would from a scheduled tour, which could result in you missing out on a potentially amazing wedding venue.
2. Don’t Overbook Visits
The worst thing you can do is to schedule a host of visits in one day and jump around from wedding venue to wedding venue. This will take all the fun out of your day out, and make your visits feel like more of a chore than a chance to view beautiful locations with the love of your life. In addition, you may also miss out on some of the most important details about a venue if you’re only spending an hour per visit. Instead, take the scenic route with your wedding venue visits; this will give you the time and experience you’ll need to truly absorb each location.
3. Visit at the Right time
And last, but not least, you should make sure that your visit has been scheduled for the right time. This will give you the chance to take in each venue in the right element. If you’re hoping to have your wedding on a leisurely weekend, don’t choose to visit a venue during the week. This is because you may find the place to be extremely crowded and busy on weekdays, which will influence your decision. However, the location would actually be a whole lot quieter on the weekends.
If you’re looking for superb venues to consider, you should reach out to our company. Here at Clarence House, we have some phenomenal wedding venues that will be sure to take your breath away.