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Wedding News

Is 2022 Be The Biggest Year In The Wedding Industry

It’s expected, 2022 seems to be promising a considerable number of weddings. This might even mean brides and grooms on the trot to find the perfect venue for that special day. Whether you’re looking for a beachside calm wedding feel, or you’re too adventurous you definitely want to go all the way for a cruise wedding. Above all you ever want is to tie the knot in an unforgettable way ever possible, your happily ever after starts the day you start planning your entire wedding.

Who isn’t missing public gatherings, any get-together, a party even a wedding to be utmost. Looks like everyone is ready to party again and they want to party big.


The past few years had seen weddings being cancelled or adjourned. The digital age also saw the coming of virtual registries and virtual celebrations, but non the less, nothing beats human contact and the joy that just comes with having your family and friends attend your special day. Thanks to the Queen of Maryland announcement regarding new Covid-19 regulations now at least when crowds are vaccinated the celebrations can go on, Yippee


Even the wedding vendors are on the surge. Each is keen to sign up the highest number of couples they can land their attention to and that’s a more reason for competitive vendor offers. Couples have abundance to choose from and more affordable budgets seems way conceivable. That’s a greenlight to lookout for more weddings in 2022. Definitely, the services of 2022 will be top-notch with such high competition amongst the vendors. But you can always trust Clarence House’s world-class wedding venue services provider, yes we are the best in the game!!


It’s even more exciting a bit of normalcy have taken up again, brides of 2022 are even more excited to be attending a wedding and bridal expos. What a great way to make your wedding planning feel so bosom and completely in your hands. Surely merely ordering a dress and a crown online wasn’t giving the desired satisfaction.

Many thanks to the easing down on Covid-19 restrictions, even a sense of certainty and sanity has been restored to the whole wedding planning atmosphere. Couples have since regained a lot of confidence in the new atmosphere and now know better as to how to plan a modern day wedding, where a lot of uncertainties can change the whole course of what you had planned. Our couples are now I must say wiser, keen and flexible to the new normal and definitely nothing and nothing seems to be in the way to stop a 2022 wedding!!!

Looking for some stunning wedding venues in Sydney? If so, you should consider reaching out to our company. At Clarence House, we have some of the country’s most beautiful venues and would love to help you make your wedding dreams come true.

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Wedding News, Wedding Tips

The Wedding Trends In Sydney In 2022: The Definitive Guide

Wedding bells are ringing, and lovers are gathering to celebrate their weddings in 2022 with new peculiarities and ideas. Although there are certain constraints, marriages begin to resemble whatever they used to be, with more significant vacation celebrations, huge design themes, and guestlists. This year, we’re also seeing lovers making their weddings more purposeful, concentrating on the guest experience, and developing more customised touches. Check out this article to find out the wedding trends in Sydney in 2022.

Eco-Friendly Weddings

Sustainability is top of the line for many lovers. That’s why sustainable and environmentally friendly weddings have become increasingly popular, with lovers consciously eliminating Styrofoam flower carriers or repurposing flowers via extra décor. To reduce waste, they’re also decomposing food and flowers left over from the celebration.

Intimate Weddings

Many brides-to-be fantasise about having a large wedding party with thousands of people and a large hall. However, it is not a standard anymore. Many couples are now abandoning this tradition favouring intimate, private weddings attended by just their closest family and friends. This is because a small wedding provides an intimate environment and enables you to pay close attention to detail, making it more personal and unforgettable.

Customisable Menus

Customisable menus enable everyone to eat as they wish. It also allows lovers to effectively cater to their visitors and bring unique features to the cuisine they prepare, whether they are vegetarian, gluten-free, or just fussy.

A Rise In Digital Wedding Invitations

Due to the intrinsic uncertainties of arranging a wedding during the COVID-19 outbreak, it’s hardly astonishing that many lovers choose to send digital invitations rather than investing in a whole portfolio of printed invitations. The advantage is that if specifics alter due to, for instance, a cheeky shutdown, the appropriate information may be changed and re-sent to visitors without spending the expense of a whole re-print.

Destination, Whole-Weekend Weddings

If the epidemic has proven something, green places are great for the spirit. This is probably why numerous lovers flee the metropolis to marry in rural and seaside areas. They can enjoy a whole weekend with their beloved while soaking in the pure countryside air and independence. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved, including the newlyweds, the visitors, and area marketing tourism.

Colourful Wedding Dresses

Wedding fashion is not so prescriptive right now. This is why individuals rely heavily on their particular taste and sense of style to choose what they will be wearing on their wedding day. For particular brides, this means wearing a vibrant gown instead of the usual white. Floral wedding gowns, in particular, are becoming more popular.

Unique Tabletop Design

This year, most attention would be on the table designs during receptions. The wedding trend that we will surely adore in 2022 is the tailored emphasis on tables rather than the ceilings. Furthermore, the flowers, food, and accessories placed in front of the visitors during the celebration will undoubtedly be admired.


Looking for some stunning wedding venues in Sydney? If so, you should consider reaching out to our company. At Clarence House, we have some of the country’s most beautiful venues and would love to help you make your wedding dreams come true.

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Wedding News, Wedding Tips

Amazing Trends For Weddings In Sydney For 2022


The wait is finally over for brides and grooms, all those previously cancelled and postponed weddings certainly must have had enough time to reconsider and make a clearheaded decision on choosing your happily ever after. Absolutely enough time also to prioritise who should and shouldn’t be on the special day’s guest list. Of course, only those really worth gracing the occasion. Undeniably, weddings have become more intimate than ever. After a whole two years of closed boarders Sydney finally opens up to the world. Much exciting for brides who had been hoping for destination weddings. Clarence House is defiantly the wedding venue in Sydney where your dream wedding comes to life! 

Old-style had been the norm, but 2022 is indeed promising some amazing trends for weddings in Sydney.


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Current trends show that couples in Sydney are now fascinated by the idea of eco-conscious wedding ceremonies that embrace nature and it seems quite peaceful and more intimate. Very suitable for small crowds at the same time allowing some fresh breeze throughout the ceremony. Either it’s a rustic theme or a floral boogie feel. What a great idea to make your special day unique and memorable.

Eco-conscious wedding ceremonies, embracing nature, seems quite peaceful and more intimate. Very suitable for small crowds at the same time allowing some fresh breeze throughout the ceremony.


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Another trend to look out for in 2022 Sydney weddings is tailored menus, food with a soul. Looks like more than ever the guests have been made significant by the wedding couples so much they also feel as special as if it’s also their special day. What more could one ever ask for when you get your food specially prepared and specifically for you.


Sydney wedding reception venue

Another great way to set themselves up after a blissful honeymoon seems like couples have become more quick-witted with the gift registry. Other than getting a burden of things they don’t really need as wedding gifts, couples have come up with familiarizing gift registries that encourage their families and friends to gift them items they actually need, like cash, new home ornaments, or even settling some loans post-wedding. Now that’s more than just being ingenious.


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It has become even apparent for couples to invite some famous mixologist at their weddings in Ausy. It’s even a much more creative way for the couples to relax and let the bartenders take care of their guests. Incredible!!!!

And oh yeah if you’re looking forward to attending a Sydney wedding right in 2022, just remember to tag along with your vaccination card.

So much more to look out for, the wedding excitement just gotten bigger and better than ever before after great anticipation!

Looking for some stunning wedding venues in Sydney? If so, you should consider reaching out to our company. At Clarence House, we have some of the country’s most beautiful venues and would love to help you make your wedding dreams come true.

Pre Wedding Events Reception for Sydney Wedding Venues
Wedding News

Pre-Wedding Events Timeline Guide

We all know that a wedding is a pretty big deal. The events leading to it are just as important. They set the tone for the wedding and give you the chance to spend some time with friends and loved ones. As the wedding date gets closer, you will have many events hosted in your honour. These are usually not stressful for the couple as they are planned and hosted by family members or friends. Below is a pre-wedding guide to these events so that you know what to expect. Read on!

1. The Bridal Shower

This is usually the first pre-wedding event it can be held as far as 4 months before the wedding. The bridal shower is hosted by the maid of honour or the whole bridal team. Most times it is a surprise for the bride. Some families choose to host a shower instead and this is okay as well. The bride’s close friends, as well as female relatives from both the bride and groom’s side, are invited. These days a bride can have as many as three bridal showers, so it is okay if some people get left out the first time round.

2. The Bridesmaids’ Luncheon

A bridesmaid’s luncheon is hosted by the bride for her wedding party. This is a chance for her to thank her bridesmaids for being part of the wedding and for any help they give her during the wedding preparations. Some brides give gifts to the attendants. Pre-wedding schedules can get quite busy and you may not get another chance to thank your bridesmaids. Use this opportunity to appreciate your bridal party.

3. The Bachelor & Bachelorette Parties

When people think of iconic pre-wedding events, this is usually what comes to mind. Traditionally, this was supposed to be ‘the last night of freedom’ but this does not have to be the case. These are best held two weeks before the wedding so that they do not clash with other pre-wedding events. Nowadays, some couples choose to have a combined bachelor and bachelorette party.

4. The Wedding Rehearsal Dinner

Each wedding needs rehearsal and most couples choose to have dinner afterwards. This allows all the guests to get acquainted before the wedding in a more relaxed environment. The groom’s parents are the ones that usually host this dinner. This relieves the pressure off the bride and her family and allows the groom’s family to feel involved as well. For a lot of couples, this is a close family affair and toasts and speeches are given in honour of the couple.

Would you like to discuss any wedding plans with a qualified wedding planner? Our Clarence House team is on hand via telephone and other electronic means to help you with wedding preps. Get in touch with us today.

Wedding shoe game questions for your reception venues Sydney
Wedding News

The Most Hilarious Shoe Game Questions 2023

The wedding shoe game questions need no introduction! It is played so often and is a great icebreaker at weddings for entertainment. For those that may not be familiar with it, the couple sits back to back holding their own shoe and one of their partner’s shoes. A question is asked pertaining to the couple and each of them responds by raising the shoe that corresponds to the answer they think is correct. This is a fun way to keep wedding guests entertained and also help them get to know more about the couple. For a list of the most hilarious questions that you can ask, read on!

Hilarious Shoe Game Questions for Couples

1. Who drives better?
2. Who always takes their phone to the bathroom?
3. Who cries a lot during movies?
4. Who is messier?
5. Who likes to skip baths?
6. Who is more self-obsessed?
7. Who lies the most?
8. Who is never wrong?
9. Who is the better dancer?
10. Who cannot keep a secret?
11. Who snores the loudest?
12. Who is more likely to start a fight?
13. Who is a crybaby when they are sick?
14. Who cracks the lamest jokes?
15. Who is always hungry?
16. Who is moodier?
17. Who throws the biggest tantrums?
18. Who is always looking for food?
19. Who is better at planning surprises?
20. Who is the better singer?
21. Who is the better cook?
22. Who hogs the blankets when you are sleeping?
23. Who releases gas more often?
24. Who has a crazier family?
25. Who hogs the remote more?
26. Who likes to spend more money?
27. Who likes to work more?
28. Who is better at saving money?
29. Who is clumsier?
30. Who is more dramatic in public?
31. Who makes more grand gestures of affection?
32. Who gives the best gifts?
33. Who has the best-kept hair?
34. Who is more likely to get lost when going somewhere new?
35. Who is more photogenic?
36. Who is better at assembling gadgets?
37. Who is more tech-savvy?
38. Who has the cleaner car?
39. Who is better at doing house chores?
40. Who spends more time in the shower?
41. Who is always late for dates?
42. Who sleeps for longer?
43. Who is the clumsier of the two?
44. Who is better at sticking to diets?
45. Who gives better tips?
46. Who is more likely to leave dirty dishes unwashed?
47. Who struggles more with asking for directions?
48. Who is more likely to lose their wallet?
49. Who is pickier when it comes to food?
50. Who do you love most in the world?

Did You enjoy these shoe game questions?

Would you like to discuss more fun wedding games with a qualified wedding planner? Our clarence house team is on hand via telephone and other electronic means to help you with wedding preps. Get in touch with us today.

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Wedding News

4 Benefits of Mid-Week Wedding You Probably Don’t Know

Have you ever thought of having a midweek wedding? Are you thinking of having a mid-week wedding? There are many advantages of having a mid-week wedding which makes it enticing. You can save money, be able to get vendors that would have otherwise been unavailable, and have a more intimate wedding. Couples are becoming more budget conscious and vendors and venues now offer midweek wedding packages. Below are our top 5 benefits of having a midweek wedding.

1. You Can Reduce Your Wedding Budget

This is the biggest reason why couple consider to have their weddings during the week. Wedding venues have different prices for weekend and mid-week events. The reason behind it is due to the demand for wedding venues is less for weekdays. If you have a dream venue but you cannot afford a weekend date, consider having a midweek wedding it won’t just be a budget-friendly wedding but a unique and special event.

2. Your Wedding Guests Can Save as Well

If you are expecting guests from out of town, they will need to find accommodation. Hotels usually have lower rates for weekdays when compared to the weekend as rates increase on weekends. Traveling to your wedding may also be cheaper as they can book mid-week transport which is usually more affordable. If you will be providing accommodation for your out of town guests, take advantage of this and save yourself a pretty penny.

3. Wedding Vendors Will Be More Available

The wedding business is very competitive and top vendors are usually booked a year in advance. If you do not want to wait a long time for them to be available, consider having a midweek wedding. Weekend dates are always the busiest periods for wedding vendors. There are high chances that if you have a weekday wedding, your vendors will only be catering to you alone on that day and you can have their whole undivided attention.

4. Midweek Weddings Are More Intimate

Across the past couple of years couples, these days are moving away from the old traditions e.g. Having weekend weddings only and more couples are choosing to have more intimate weddings by having close family and friends around to spend their special instead of having guests that aren’t close to them. For such couples, midweek weddings are more suited to their needs and budgets. Wedding guests may be more than happy to take a couple of days off to attend the wedding. If you want your guests to have more time to celebrate, have your wedding on a Thursday so that they can get a couple more days to rest and relax.

Are you in love with the idea of getting married on the anniversary of when you met? This may not always fall on a weekend. Let this not stop you. Get married during the week. Now that you know all the reasons to have a weekday wedding, we have the perfect wedding venue in Sydney.

Our Clarence House team is on hand via telephone and other electronic means to help you with wedding preps. Get in touch with us today.

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Wedding News

3 Romantic Love Poems You Can Read in Your Wedding Ceremony

Roses are red and violets are blue just doesn’t quite cut it for your big day, does it? Well, you’ll be glad to know that we took the time to sift through hundreds of love poems for weddings to present you with only the finest inspirational love poems for weddings. Here are three of our absolute favorite.

These popular love poems for weddings combine ancient wisdom, modern charm, and classical beauty. Write them on a piece of card for your beloved to read during the wedding ceremony or opt to recite them yourself to your partner in the course of the ceremony.

This Marriage by Persian Poet Rumi (circa ~1250)

May these vows and this marriage be blessed.
May it be sweet milk,
this marriage, like wine and halvah.
May this marriage offer fruit and shade
like the date palm.
May this marriage be full of laughter,
our everyday a day in paradise.
May this marriage be a sign of compassion,
a seal of happiness here and hereafter.
May this marriage have a fair face and a good name,
an omen as welcomes the moon in a clear blue sky.
I am out of words to describe
how spirit mingles in this marriage.

Touched by an Angel by American Author Maya Angelou (1993)

We, unaccustomed to courage
exiles from delight
live coiled in shells of loneliness
until love leaves its high holy temple
and comes into our sight
to liberate us into life.

Love arrives
and in its train come ecstasies
old memories of pleasure
ancient histories of pain.
Yet if we are bold,
love strikes away the chains of fear
from our souls.

We are weaned from our timidity
In the flush of love’s light
we dare be brave
And suddenly we see
that love costs all we are
and will ever be.
Yet it is only love
which sets us free.

The Passionate Shepherd to His Love by English Poet Christopher Marlowe (1599)

Come live with me and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove,
That Valleys, groves, hills, and fields,
Woods, or steepy mountain yields.

And we will sit upon the Rocks,
Seeing the Shepherds feed their flocks,
By shallow Rivers to whose falls
Melodious birds sing Madrigals.

And I will make thee beds of Roses
And a thousand fragrant posies,
A cap of flowers, and a kirtle
Embroidered all with leaves of Myrtle;
A gown made of the finest wool
Which from our pretty Lambs we pull;
Fair lined slippers for the cold,
With buckles of the purest gold;

A belt of straw and Ivy buds,
With Coral clasps and Amber studs:
And if these pleasures may thee move,
Come live with me, and be my love.

The Shepherds’ Swains shall dance and sing
For thy delight each May-morning:
If these delights thy mind may move,
Then live with me, and be my love.

You can also write your own modern love poems for wedding readings too. Draw inspiration from the three above and tailor them to suit your own wedding.

Do you need help with love poems for a wedding ceremony? Our clarence house wedding planners are on hand via telephone and other electronic means to help you with wedding preps. Get in touch with us today.

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Wedding News

How Much Does a Wedding Celebrant Cost in Sydney

Prepping for your wedding and keen to find out how much does a wedding celebrant charge?

If you are planning your wedding, you will need a wedding celebrant. You may be wondering what a wedding celebrant is, what they do exactly, and why you need one. Finally, you may wonder how much does a wedding celebrant cost in Sydney? Read on to get answers to all your questions concerning wedding celebrants

What Is a Wedding Celebrant?

Wedding celebrants are people that conduct marriage ceremonies. In Australia, there are four categories of celebrants that are recognized under the law. These are commonwealth-registered marriage celebrants, commonwealth-registered religious marriage celebrants, ministers of religion who are from a recognized denomination, and state and territory officers. You can access a database with all the authorized wedding celebrants in Australia here.

Why Do I Need One?

Put simply, you need a wedding celebrant in order for your wedding to be considered legally binding. A wedding celebrant, however, will do more than just show up on the day and perform the ceremony. After you’ve booked a celebrant, you can start working on the wording of the ceremony. A good celebrant will not just recite a premade script but will tailor your ceremony for you. You can also get help with your vows to ensure they match before the day without having to read each other’s vows.

How Much Does a Wedding Celebrant Cost?

In Australia, the average cost of a wedding celebrant ranges from $350 to $1500. The cost of getting a wedding celebrant varies between states. Celebrants that come with the venue you choose are usually more affordable than independent ones. You can negotiate with your celebrant and settle for a price point that both of you are happy with. Some offer different packages with different price points and you can just choose which one best suits you.

What Is Factored in the Cost of a Wedding Celebrant?

The type of ceremony you are planning on having impacts on how much your wedding celebrant will charge you. A simple and straight forward ceremony will not be as pricey as a more elaborate one with a unique script or theme. The time of year you choose to have your wedding is also a factor. Summer ceremonies may cost more as the wedding celebrants will have many ceremonies to perform.

The cost of processing your wedding certificate is part of your celebrant’s charge. After the wedding, the celebrant must file all the legal forms you would have filled to births, deaths and marriage registry. This is so that your wedding is legally recognized. Finally, your wedding celebrant will have to travel to and from your wedding venue. If your venue is in a remote place, overnight accommodation is also factored into the cost of your wedding package.

Now that you have all there is to know about wedding celebrants and the associated wedding celebrant cost, contact one and start making plans for your big day!

Are you keen to learn more about wedding celebrants and great venues? Book a tour of one of Sydney’s leading exclusive venues, Clarence House today.

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Wedding News

5 Unique Wedding Trends Couples Need to Know About in 2020

Are you having your wedding in 2020 and could use some new wedding trends in 2020 inspiration?

A brand-new year brings new inspiration. This year, in particular, marks the beginning of a new decade. Doesn’t this excite you? With new seasons, décor ideas and wedding venue trends 2020 to look forward to this is the perfect time to start planning your wedding. We have put together a list of 2020 wedding trends that you can use as inspiration for your big day. Read on to find out unique ideas this new decade has in store.

1. Consider a Non-Traditional Venue

If you have a vision for your wedding that is not cookie-cutter, an unconventional wedding venue may just be for you. These are places that will make your wedding experience as opposed to just another weekend event. Festival sites, greenhouses, historical sites and summer retreat camps are a few ideas of unexpected venues you can choose from. Industrial-chic themes are also an option for those who opt to use revamped warehouses or former factories.

2. Consider Non-Traditional Flowers

This is a great way to minimize the amount of money you spend on your flowers. Roses, tulips and other traditional wedding flowers can be very expensive. Dried flowers like daisies and baby’s breath give a beautiful rustic look without breaking the bank. Foliage such as succulents, leaves, and twigs can all make unique looking flower arrangements. These are reusable meaning you can use the same flowers for your engagement party and your wedding as well.

3. Consider Adding Metallic Details

Among some of the leading 2020 wedding ideas for this year is the concept of going big and bold with metallic details. Copper, rose-gold, and titanium are very trendy and will make your wedding very unique. It is important to choose a metal that will accent your décor well and bring out your theme. Copper, in particular, makes a venue look cozy while bronze tends to give a medieval flair. Rustic bridal showers can also incorporate metallic hues if the colors are chosen well.

4. Consider a Dark Colour Palette

The decade of strictly using light colors for your wedding palette is behind us. 2020 wedding reception trends favor darker shades. Darker colors can be used to reflect the bride and groom’s personality, style and to tell the love story of the two. Greens, blues and reds are all bright and vibrant colors to put into your wedding palette. Do not shy away from fully expressing yourself this year. Go big, go bold!

5. Consider a Different Seating Arrangement

Instead of having the traditional long or round tables, new wedding trends in 2020 lean more towards a different type of seating arrangement. A 360-degree seating arrangement where you circularly arrange the chairs with the bride and groom in the middle is a unique way to make everyone feel involved in the wedding.

Looking for qualified and experienced wedding venue consultants? Contact us for more information.

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Wedding News

10 Best Croatian Wedding Traditions

Are you planning to add some Croatian customs to your wedding or you’ve been invited to a Croatian wedding and don’t know what to expect?

A Croatian wedding is a 24-hour party that is filled with good traditional food, celebratory drinks, and laughter. Whether you are new to a Croatian wedding custom, visiting Croatia for the first time to attend a destination wedding, or returning home for a family member’s wedding, you can expect a wedding event full of unique and fun-loving traditions.

Here are the 10 best Croatian wedding traditions to look forward to.

1. Engagement

Instead of a diamond ring, the man offers an obiljezje, which is a piece of fruit such as an apple with coins pressed into it. The acceptance of the fruit by the lady symbolizes their engagement. This is a very old Croatian wedding tradition that is not seen in other countries.

2. Buying the Bride

On the wedding day, the groom first heads to his bride’s parents’ house together with an ensemble of musicians or other groomsmen to woo the bride. This is one of the most amusing Croatian wedding customs where decoy brides are often offered up.

3. The Walks to Church

Everyone then heads to the church for the ceremony as one person carries the Croatian flag. Flag carriers are called the barjaktar and they wave the flag around for the entire procession, whooping and shouting as they go.

4. Rosemary and Donations

As guests enter the wedding reception, they are given little bundles of rosemary wrapped in the ribbon which is pinned to their left side as a sign of welcome. Guests normally leave a donation in exchange for their rosemary pins.

5. The Ceremony

The wedding ceremony is usually catholic but many couples today decide to confirm their love in different wedding venues. A professional photographer takes a bunch of photos in front of the church.

6. At the Reception

The bride and groom participate in various light-hearted activities at the reception like a game to determine who will be the boss of the house.

7. Dance with the Bride

Another Croatian wedding tradition is the dance with the bride which usually starts at midnight. The guests have a chance to dance with the bride, in exchange for money.

8. The Real Party

After the wedding ceremony, it’s time to head to the wedding venue, to eat, drink and be merry until the morning.

9. The 3 AM Goulash

After a day and night of drinking, guests are served either goulash or sarma (rolled cabbage stuffed with mince and rice), and in some areas fish stews plus coffee.

10. Wedding Gifts

During one part of the evening, guests bring their presents to the couple and in almost every case, money is the gift presented in an envelope.

Where to Go for All Your Wedding Ideas and More?

Call Clarence House today. Our professional and dedicated team will help you prepare, plan and organize your special day, from start to finish, to make your unique wedding the most memorable event of your lives.

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Wedding News

Top 10 Serbian Wedding Customs and Traditions

Are you looking to get married and need a touch of inspiration from Serbian Wedding traditions for your big day? Look no further.

Serbia is well known for having a deep culture and unique tradition passed on from generation to generation, and their weddings are no different. Here, we take a look at the top 10 Serbian wedding traditions that you may want to consider, whether you’re of Serbian descent or not.

1. Decorations

The decoration is an indispensable part of the Serbian wedding custom enjoyed by both the younger and older generations. The bride and the groom’s house are well decorated with flowers and balloons all over even up to the front gate.

2. Buklia

The buklia is a nicely decorated bottle filled with a traditional homemade wine or what the locals call rakija. Buklia is served out to invited guests to the wedding and sometimes used as a formal invitation.

3. Traditional Garments

In the old days, a bride and groom were dressed in folklore garments for their big day. Nowadays, many newlyweds opt for old-fashioned costumes instead of trendy wedding dresses and tuxedos.

4. Kum

Kum is the best man at the wedding and this role is considered a great honor. Such an offer cannot be refused and the tradition is kept even today.

5. Svatovi

Svatovi is the wedding guests and they arrive at the groom’s house as the wedding ceremony begins early in the morning. Then they all travel together to the bride’s house.

6. Apple Shooting

This is a very special Serbian wedding tradition that is still practiced in rural regions. An apple is hanged at the bride’s house, on a tree. The groom has to shoot the apple and only when he takes down the apple from the tree, is he allowed to enter the bride’s home.

7. Wedding Cake

The bride’s mother purchases the wedding cake. After the cutting of the cake, the bride gives the groom the first bite and vice versa. Then they should kiss each other, wiping their mouths by kisses after.

8. Wedding Season

Traditionally, weddings are mainly organized in the autumn season. The custom was established at a time when their culture was aligned with rural activities. Fieldwork is finished in the fall and after the harvest, most people are able to celebrate with wedding celebrations.

9. Mirror and Garlic

In the old tradition, the brides carried around small mirrors on their wedding day. This is a deep custom meant to ward off demons. To avoid bad luck, some brides also carry a clove of garlic.

10. Coin Throwing

After the ceremony, the kum and maid of honor stand beside the flag bearer and the godfather carries a bag of coins. The crowd then anticipates and yells that “his bag is on fire”, prompting the godfather to throw the coins.

Where to Go for All Your Wedding Ideas and More?

Call Clarence House today. Our professional and dedicated team will help you prepare, plan, and organize your special day, from start to finish, to make your unique wedding the most memorable event of your lives.

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15 Traditions You Can See at Jewish Wedding

Are you going to experience a Jewish wedding for the first time?

The importance of a Jewish marriage is grounded in the bible and a traditional Jewish wedding is full of meaningful rituals. These Jewish marriage customs symbolize the beauty of the couple’s relationship plus their obligations to each other and to the Jewish people.

Here is a list of 15 traditions you will experience at a Jewish wedding.

1. Bedeken (Veiling)

Before the ceremony, the groom approaches the bride for the veiling, signifying that his love for her is for her inner qualities and not outward beauty and that the two are one after marriage.

2. Breaking Plate

The two mothers breaking a plate symbolize the acceptance of the conditions of engagement. It also symbolizes from the bible the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem and foreshadows the breaking of the glass that is also part of the Jewish wedding ceremony.

3. Aufruf

Prior to the wedding reception, a Jewish couple may partake in an Aufruf, where the couple is called up together to recite an aliyah or special blessing after the Torah reading.

4. Fasting

Some Jewish couples fast on the day of their wedding. Similar to the significant holiday Yom Kippur, this is to signify the washing of sin.

5. Ketubah

A common Jewish tradition is the signing of a marriage contract called ketubah, held shortly before the wedding.

6. Chuppah

The chuppah, a roof with four pillars, is considered one of the most important Jewish wedding traditions.

7. Vows Under the Chuppah

The couple’s parents join them under the chuppah, along with the rabbi, and vows are made under the chuppah.

8. The Processional

After the rabbi, the groom, bridal team, and then the bride are escorted down the aisle.

9. Circling

This tradition involving the bride circling the groom to symbolize protection is common at many Jewish weddings.

10. Mazel Tov

Shouting mazel tov, meaning a cheer for good luck once the wedding ceremony is over and the glass is broken, is one of the most well-known Jewish wedding rituals.

11. Yichud

In this Jewish wedding tradition, couples spend at least eight minutes in seclusion or yichud, reflecting privately on their new relationship.

12. Sheva Brachot

The seven blessings, called the Sheva Brachot, are read in both Hebrew and English and shared between family members or friends.

13. Prayer Shawl

A prayer shawl is used as part of a Jewish wedding tradition where the couple’s parents wrap the shawl around the couple’s shoulders as a symbol of unity and love.

14. Reception Dances

These joyful dances take place immediately after the newlyweds enter the reception room, after the first dance.

15. Seudat Mitzvah

This traditional Jewish circle dance gets everyone involved and the wedding couple can be lifted up and carried in chairs around the dance floor.

Where to Go for All Your Wedding Ideas and More?

Call Clarence House today. Our professional and dedicated team will help you prepare, plan, and organize your special day, from start to finish, to make your unique wedding the most memorable event of your lives.

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Wedding News

Complete List of Macedonian Wedding Traditions & Customs

Are you wondering what a Macedonian wedding would look like?

Macedonian wedding celebrations involve a lot of rituals and customs and last for days, which can become a true endurance and patience test for everyone. Despite this, Macedonian weddings in Australia are a delight to watch as they are filled with lots of love, laughter, joy, singing, dancing, and food, creating lovely memories to be cherished always. Here is a complete list of Macedonian wedding traditions to help you know what to expect at a Macedonian wedding.

1. Shaving

The shaving of the groom by the best man is one of the common Macedonian wedding customs that take place on the morning of the wedding day. It is a symbol of the separation of the groom with his family.

2. Buying of the Bride

One of the older Macedonian wedding customs still followed is the buying of the bride. Groomsmen come to the brides’ house and barter with the brides’ family until an agreed-upon price can be arranged.

3. Breaking the Bread

Traditionally a young unmarried girl from the bride’s family bakes a round loaf of bread. At the wedding reception, the godfather of the bride or groom breaks the bread over the heads of the married couple for happiness in their married life.

4. Macedonian Orthodox Ceremony

A Macedonian wedding ceremony is conducted in an orthodox custom that has a deep meaning. The bride and groom are made to wear grand gold crowns that are tied together using a ribbon.

5. Drinking of Red Wine

The groom drinks wine in the house of the bride which is served in a glass with a golden coin on the bottom. This golden coin is kept by the groom as a symbol of prosperity.

6. Filling Shoes with Money

The bride’s shoes, which are one size bigger are brought by her brother-in-law. He then filled them with money so that they fit the feet of the bride.

7. Dumping a Bowl or Glass of Water

Before leaving for a Macedonian wedding ceremony, the bride deliberately kicks over a glass or bowl filled with water to symbolize a life that flows as smoothly as water.

8. Singing and Dancing

Besides food, singing and dancing is one thing that you are guaranteed to find in excess at a Macedonian wedding. The festivities usually commence on the eve of the wedding or even earlier and include the ‘oro’ and ‘pig’ dances.

9. Macedonian Flag

As the groom’s family arrives on horses in front of the bride’s house, the Macedonian flag brought is hung by the window by someone from the bride’s family.

10. Sweet Bread-Like Cake

The day before the wedding, koluk, the traditional wedding cake, which is a large, sweet, bread-like, yeast-cake, about two feet in diameter is made.

Where to Go for All Your Wedding Ideas and More?

Contact Clarence House today. Our professional and dedicated team will help you prepare, plan, and organize your special day, from start to finish, to make your unique wedding the most memorable event of your lives.

Experiencing Unique Indian Weddings in Sydney Wedding Venues
Wedding News

Unique Indian Wedding Traditions You Didn’t Know About

Are you keen to learn more about Indian wedding traditions?

India is a diverse country with unique cultures, religions, and beliefs. As a result, there are plenty of interesting Indian wedding traditions you probably don’t know about. One thing that’s certain however is that Indian weddings are fun, dynamic, and very colorful!

Here are six unique traditions we bet you’ve never heard of.

1.Misri – Sweet Blessings for the Future

One of the first things to know about Indian weddings is that they typically last three days. And during these three days, there are a host of ceremonies held in between. The very first of these is a ceremony known as Misri. Misri is simply rocking sugar that the groom’s parents give their son’s bride. The significance of this gift is the blessings of a sweet future. In addition, the couple is adorned with garlands of flowers and exchange prayers as well as their wedding bands.

2. Sangeet Party – Dance the Night Away!

Bollywood has certainly taught us that no Indian wedding reception is complete without dancing! And this is exactly what the sangeet party is all about. This is where the women get together for some fun through song and dance. This ceremony can be attended by both sides of the family and can also be merged with the Mehendi ceremony.

3. Mehendi (Henna Ceremony) – Intricate Patterns in Preparation

Henna is an integral part of life for Indian women. Indian women celebrate life and love through the designs drawn on their hands and feet. A day before the wedding, the bride and her female relatives spend time adorning themselves with henna. The patterns chosen are meant to illustrate the love that will be shared between the bride-to-be and her future husband. The Sagri ceremony and Mehendi ceremony can be done at the same time.

4. Haldi Ceremony – Calming the Bride and Groom

Cold feet on the morning of the wedding are common. Indian culture has a solution for that in an intimate ceremony known as Haldi whereby both groom and bride’s family take some of the clothes of the couple and spread a mixture of water and oil over them. In addition, turmeric is rubbed over the skin of the couple. This is a form of blessing and is believed to help calm them down.

5. Mandap Ceremony – Exchange of Vows

No traditional Indian wedding is complete without some Indian wedding decorations – the more colorful the better. And one custom that has been upheld to this day is having the wedding ceremony under a mandap which is simply a four-pillared canopy that’s exquisitely decorated often with flowers and cloth.

6. Laja Homa – a Blessing from the Brother

Indian weddings have ceremonies within ceremonies! One such ceremony that takes place during the actual wedding is Laja Homa. It’s when the bride’s brother pours rice into his sister’s cupped hands. Some of the rice falls through her hands into the groom’s hands which are just beneath hers and fall into the Agni (traditional fire).

Best Indian Wedding Reception Venues in Sydney

If you’re looking for Indian wedding venues in Sydney, Clarence House is one of the premier places to choose from. Boasting two-world class venues – the Lemnos and the victorian you can’t go wrong for any of your ceremonies. Book a free tour to see what else is on offer.

Book your free tour today. Contact us for more information.

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Most Popular & Auspicious Wedding Dates of 2019

Are you looking to be a bride in 2019 and not sure which date to set your wedding?

Two thousand and eighteen really seemed like the year to tie the knot with momentous weddings from Meghan Markle and Prince Harry to Princess Eugene and Jack Brooksbank. Love was in the air with weddings flying everywhere, and here at Clarence House, we understand that there’s always a lot of thought and preparation that go into planning a wedding.

Don’t count out 2019 yet! Here is an outline of the best wedding dates for 2019.

1. Novelty Date

A novelty date is a great way to ensure your invitation looks attractive, a scientific pattern to make it look aesthetically pleasing. These are days that repeat themselves and a sure way to make your date stand out! Sunday, September 1, 2019 (9/1/19); Wednesday, October 9, 2019 (10/9/19) and Monday, November 11, 2019 (11/11/19).

2. Palindrome Date

Each calendar year has only one palindrome date. A palindrome is a word or number that reads the same either backward or forwards. It is a day that you can look at with sentimental value, and can look great on your wedding invitation. For 2019, it would be September 9, 2019 (9/10/2019), and if you still can’t see it, 9102019.

3. Some Days of the Week to Consider Your Wedding

Saturday: without a doubt, this is the most popular day of the week when choosing a wedding. Nothing screams more romantic than Saturday, which also allows the comfort for your guests to properly prepare for the big day and to get any days off if necessary.

Wednesday: an old Irish tradition from a very historical poem states that ‘Wednesday’s the best day of all!’ and the Irish know best.

Thursday: Thursday is a great day to be married during the week and you can save a lot of money by avoiding peak day prices like Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Recent studies show that typical places like big cities and towns have more and more weddings being held on Thursdays compared to the more traditional weekend dates.

4. More Notable Dates

Seasonal Dates: When Choosing a Month to Get Married It Is Important to Consider the Time of the Year and the Season the Month Falls In. June, September, and October Are Considered the Months with the Best Weather to Get Married In.

New Year’s Eve: This is a great wedding day to set because everyone is in the festive season and out for a good time. Some believe the best way to set the tone for the year is to get married the day before New Year’s.

Where to Go for All Your Wedding Plans and More?

Call clarence house today. Our professional and dedicated team will help you prepare, plan, and organize your special day, from start to finish, to make your luxury wedding the most memorable day of your lives.

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Wedding News

Great Ideas on the Content of Wedding Speeches

Are you preparing to deliver a speech at a wedding reception and not sure what to say?

Wedding speeches are very important and the format and content of the wedding speech need to be meticulously planned out.

The good news is that traditional wedding speeches tend to follow a set order and the content of each speech is largely predetermined. Here are some great ideas on the content of the wedding speeches.

1. Toast to the Bride and Groom

The bride’s father or a close family friend usually gives this speech. This speech sets the tone for the other speeches and is a great opportunity to say a few words about the bride. The best man also takes the opportunity to say a few words about the groom.

The speech normally includes a welcome to the guests, compliments, and praises for his daughter, a welcome to the new son-in-law, and his parents wishing the couple well for their future together and lastly a toast to the health and happiness of the bride and groom.

2. The Groom’s Speech

Traditionally the groom replies on behalf of the bride and normally starts by thanking the father of the bride or the first speaker for his speech and he’s toast.

He then says something about how happy he is and compliments his new wife, thanking the bride’s parents for producing such a beautiful daughter and for bringing her up so well.

This is usually followed by a declaration of his love for the bride, thanking the guests and all who had a part to play towards the wedding, thanking the best man and the ushers as well as the bridesmaids. He may also toast to the bridesmaids and the hosts.

3. The Best Man’s Speech

The best man’s speech is regarded by many people as the highlight of all the speeches as he replies on behalf of the bridesmaids, His role is to thank the groom for his toast to the bridesmaids and he also has the opportunity to tell some funny and appropriate stories about the groom and his past.

He personally congratulates the groom on his choice of the bride and concludes his speech by reading key messages from absent friends and relatives. He ends his wedding speech with a final toast to the happy couple.

Nowadays, the bride, and sometimes the bridesmaid/maid of honor, can also get to say a few words, and usually, these toasts come between the groom and best man.

The longer speeches might continue with the toast to the parents of the bride and groom and responses by the parents of the bride and groom, respectively.

Then the Master of Ceremonies finally winds up the wedding speeches by thanking all those who made a special contribution to the wedding.

Looking for Wedding Speeches Ideas and More?

Call Clarence House Wedding Venues today. Our professional and dedicated team will help you prepare, plan, and organize your special day, from start to finish, to make your luxury wedding the most memorable day of your lives.

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5 Big Mistakes Bride Makes When Choosing a Wedding Venue

Do You Want to Know How You Can Avoid Messing Up the Choice of Your Wedding Venue?

Choosing your wedding venue is one of the most important and first-to-do steps in your wedding planning. The setting of your wedding venue will provide the overall atmosphere for your special day. Hence it is essential to give careful attention to detail when selecting the wedding venue. Here are 5 big mistakes the bride makes when choosing a wedding venue.

1. Not Having Weather Back Up Plan

The weather is one aspect of your big day that will be totally out of your control. Although outdoor locations may seem tempting, you need to focus on the season and the weather of the season you’re having your wedding in. If you choose an outdoor location, you need to make sure that you have an alternative plan in case the weather changes on your wedding day.

2. Not Researching Venue Reviews

Although it’s possible to fall in love with a venue, at first sight, you should really research reviews from former brides that had their reception or ceremonies at the same venue. Ask key questions about vendors and setup in order to end up with a space that ultimately accommodates everything they’re looking for. Do a thorough investigation of the venue’s specifications so that you can see your vision through with their resources.

3. Not Keeping Your Options Open

You may have had your wedding day planned in the back of your mind for as long as you can remember. However, it is advisable to keep an open mind and be willing to look at different options for your wedding venue. A potential wedding venue may surprise you in a way that you may not have imagined.

4. Not Making an Appointment in Advance

One of the big mistakes brides makes when choosing a wedding venue is to show up to a potential venue without a tour or appointment on the books. The problem with this is that the correct salesperson may not be available to answer all of your wedding-specific questions, take you on a tour of the premises and help you envision your wedding day. You need to do your research about wedding reception venues you want to see and make appointments to meet with the wedding salesperson.

5. Creating a Guest List Well After the Venue Is Booked

You need to have a rough idea of who you’d like to invite or at least how many people before you book your venue. No one wants to be in a wedding venue that is crammed with people or, worse, booking a venue that has a cap and then having to cut down on important people to accommodate the venue.

Where to Go for All Your Wedding Ideas and More?

Call Clarence House Wedding Venues Sydney today. Our professional and dedicated team will help you prepare, plan, and organize your special day, from start to finish, to make your luxury wedding the most memorable day of your lives. Visit one of the best wedding venues in Sydney today or send us an email at [email protected]


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Discover the Best Place to Celebrate Wedding Anniversary in Sydney

Are You Looking for the Best Place to Celebrate Your Wedding Anniversary in Sydney?

You Have Come to the Right Place.

A wedding anniversary is a great opportunity to treat yourselves to something spectacular. Sydney is a vibrant city, offering many ways to celebrate your wedding anniversary or any other special occasion. One of the best choices you can make for your celebration is to indulge in one of the five-star experiences Sydney has to offer, such as Clarence House. Learn more about Clarence House and discover the best place to celebrate a wedding anniversary in Sydney.

1. Clarence House: Best Location

Whether you are a young couple or old, Clarence House is the perfect place to celebrate your wedding anniversary. Conveniently located in the iconic and heritage listed spaces right in the heart of Sydney, there are a variety of activities and views for every couple. Clarence House is easily accessible to major tourist attractions like the Sydney Harbor Bridge, making it a great place for the thrill-seeking couple that wants to do something unique and considered a tourist activity.

2. Warm and Friendly Reception from Experienced Staff

At Clarence House, extraordinary becomes standard, as our staff take pride in serving you and your guests and are on hand to ensure that you have an unforgettable time. With a proud and welcoming smile worn with every action, our loyal staff will service your event as if it were their own. At Clarence House, we have been honoured to serve the brides and grooms of Sydney and their families for over 64 years, from their wedding ceremonies to their renewal of wedding vows and anniversary celebrations.

3. Our Best Venues

Boasting two spectacular and exquisitely designed world class wedding reception venues, The Lemnos and The Victorian, Clarence House is rated the number one wedding events venue by guests and couples alike and is hailed as one of Sydney’s most luxurious wedding venues. The Lemnos delightfully combines atmosphere and ambience into the perfect combination just right for your wedding, with an exquisite combination of modern charm and elegant chic. Set in an idyllic location, The Victorian is everything you could ever want for a beautiful, charming reception.

4. Indulge in the Finest Dining

One of the best ways to celebrate your wedding anniversary is to treat yourselves to a luxurious and delicious meal. The imaginative cuisine inspired from local and international flavours that are combined beautifully to delight you and suit your taste, makes Clarence House the best place to celebrate your wedding anniversary. Our versatile chefs and team in the kitchen can deliver a delicious menu that is exactly what you desire, making dining at the Clarence House a pleasure in itself.

Celebrate Your Wedding Anniversary in Style and Spoil Yourselves at Clarence House

Our professional and dedicated team will help you prepare, plan and organize your special day, from start to finish, to make your wedding anniversary celebration the most memorable day of your lives. Visit the Clarence House wedding venues in Sydney now or send us an email at [email protected]

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Wedding News

The Experts Guide to a Luxury Wedding at Clarence House Venue Sydney

1. Are You Planning to Host a Dream Luxury Wedding?

A luxury wedding is all about bringing luxuries together to create something truly special and bringing to life the couple’s dream wedding.

The couple that is planning a luxury wedding typically chooses their wedding venue based on how luxury and exclusive the venue is. Here is the expert guide to a luxury wedding at Clarence House.

2. About Clarence House

Located in the premier settings and heart of Sydney and boasting two world-class wedding reception venues, Clarence House has established itself into Sydney’s most inspiring and luxurious venue.

With over thirty-five years of experience in hosting thousands of weddings, Clarence House knows exactly how to make your wedding event unique, special and memorable.

3. Why Choose Clarence House Sydney for Your Wedding

The hotel offers first-class, diverse and outstanding menu options for couples to choose from.

It is key to work with a wedding team that is not only professional and knowledgeable but also accommodates the couple’s needs. We rated the number one wedding venue by guests and couples alike.

4. Why Clarence House Sydney is the Best Choice for a Wedding?

Clarence House offers international and cultural food catering services, delivering a premium, diverse and delicious menu that is exactly what the couple wants to offer their guests on their grand occasion.

5. What Are the Key Styling Tips for the Ultimate Luxury Wedding?

In the first instance, lighting is so important in setting the mood and tone of the wedding.

Secondly, always work with highly recommended suppliers, who are reliable and can deliver without any compromise.

Thirdly, consider a wedding stylist who can take away planning stress from you and help bring to life your ultimate luxurious wedding.

6. What Makes a Wedding Luxurious?

This would be a combination of paying attention to detail, having stationery in your wedding reception that adds a personal touch, having some stylish chairs, unique furnishing, and lighting that suit your style to make your wedding look luxurious.

7. What is the Current Favorite Styling Trend?

We love delighting our clients, so whatever they prefer, that is the trend. Geometric and future line or monochromatic designs are some favorite styling themes.

8. What Type of Décor and Light is Recommended to Create a Luxury Feel to a Wedding?

The décor must match the overall look and wedding theme that the couple chooses. Designers at Clarence House works with premium suppliers that can help in bringing the couple’s vision to reality.

With regards to lighting, up-lighting and pin spotting guest tables, the bridal table, and dance floor can both create a romantic feel and illuminate key décor and floral features.

Discuss Your Luxury Wedding Plans with Wedding Experts at Clarence House

Our professional and dedicated team will help you prepare, plan and organize your special day, from start to finish, to make your luxury wedding the most memorable day of your lives. Visit the best wedding venues in Sydney now or send us an email at [email protected]

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How to Pamper Yourself the Morning of your Wedding

Are you wondering what to do in the morning leading up to your wedding ceremony?

The whole process of getting ready on the morning of your wedding can be quite stressful. With all the preparations and excitement for the day, it’s easy to wake up feeling overwhelmed on your wedding day. Here are some tips on how to pamper yourself on the morning of your wedding.

1. Forget all the rush

Instead of rushing around picking up all the items you need for your wedding day, why not have it all organized for you. A wedding event planning team can provide you with everything you need to make sure you start your wedding day right. It is best to leave everything to the wedding experts to make sure you have all the items you need for each stage of getting ready.

2. Pamper yourself

Soak yourself in a warm bath with enriching bath salts or oils and flower petals if you wish. You can light some candles, play some chilled music and allow your mind to get ready for the day. Treat yourself to some luxury bridal pajamas, matching robe and gorgeous slippers that make you feel wonderful. This is a great pre-wedding bridal look that will not only make you feel fabulous, but you won’t be worried about having your photograph taken in some scruffy pajamas.

3. Layout your dress and accessories

Have your dress hanging up and all your shoes, accessories and garter laid out. Let the photographer take all these important detailed shots without disturbing you. This makes everything ready for you to slip into when your hair and makeup are complete.

4. Treat yourself to a healthy breakfast

A calming infused tea and hearty, healthy breakfast, brought to you in bed are important to get you through the day. That extra indulgence is the ideal way to start the day. A breakfast bowl layered with fresh fruit, natural yogurt and granola will provide that much-needed boost to your energy levels for the day ahead. If you are staying at your wedding venue or a hotel, order your breakfast for room service delivery the night before.

5. Select calming scents

Consider your favorite scent as a room diffuser, natural oil or candle, so that as you get ready, a lovely aroma fills the space. After the big day, that scent will always take you back to that morning.

6. A calming inner circle

Surround yourself with only the people you want on the morning of your wedding. These could be your mum, your bridal party, or your other half as well as hairstylists, make-up artists, the photographer, videographer or wedding planner. Each of these must ensure you have a seamless and memorable day.

Where to go for all your wedding solutions?

Clarence House boasts two world-class wedding reception venues worth touring. With over sixty years of experience in hosting thousands of weddings, we know exactly how to make your wedding event unique, special and memorable. Visit one of the best wedding venues in Sydney or send us an email at [email protected]

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Wedding News

What to Get Your Best Friend for His Wedding

Are you searching for the best wedding gift ideas for your best friend?

Finding the perfect wedding gift is no easy task, especially when it comes to a close friend. Not only do you want to find the perfect gift for him, but you want one that also signifies the many years of friendship you have shared. And you also do not have to spend so much time stressing over it. Here is a list of gift ideas that will help you decide on what to get your friend for his wedding.

1. Give Him a Getaway Vacation with a Travel Voucher

Once the couple is done with the wedding and the big honeymoon, things can start to get monotonous. Heading off for another fully sponsored quick getaway would be a great option.

2. Give Him an All-Expenses Paid Dinner Reservation

After marriage, the husband wants to find time for the couple’s date. So how about you helping your best friend celebrate their love with an all-expenses-paid, fancy dinner at a venue that will offer them an unforgettable experience.

3. A Personalized Nameplate for Their New House

The first house that the couple shares together is special. You can add to this special experience by giving him a personalized nameplate for their house.

4. A Spa Voucher

After all the wedding excitement is over, the couple needs to relax. Your best friend will definitely appreciate a spar voucher to get rid of all the tiredness.

5. Alarm Clock

An alarm clock can be something your best friend and his bride need, especially if they are a non-morning couple. The gift will add an extra wow factor to their bedroom and help them get out of bed on time.

6. Tickets for an Event

Another option of what to get for your best friend on his wedding are tickets to an event. Whether it’s a comedy show, musical, or some special event that you know your friend loves, it would be a truly thoughtful idea.

7. Single-Speed City Bike

Getting your best friend a set of bikes on his wedding would be is a great way for the couple to get fit together.

8. Photo Frame on Puzzle Pieces

This is a unique and thoughtful gift to give your best friend at his wedding. Include pictures of the happy couple from the start of their relationship right up to the wedding day. You can leave one spot open for their wedding photos.

9. Cash

Hard cash will always be appreciated. He can even treat his bride with a special dinner menu she loves. Write a personal, thoughtful card to accompany the cash gift.

Discuss any wedding ideas and more with Clarence House events experts

Make an appointment with Clarence House professionals for all your wedding ideas and plans. With over sixty years of experience in hosting thousands of weddings, Clarence House wedding venues Sydney knows exactly how to make your wedding event more intimate, special and memorable. Call us today on (02) 9750 3555 or (02) 9789 1662 or send us an email at [email protected]

Top Wedding Traditions of luxury wedding venues sydney
Wedding News

What are Some Wedding Traditions – Clarence House

Do you want to know more about some wedding traditions?

From the wedding ring to tossing the bouquet to a group of hopefuls, wedding customs are still so popular today that even the most non-traditional brides happily take part. Most of these customs actually date back to ancient times and different cultures have created their own wedding customs. Here are some wedding traditions you can adapt to your special day.

1. The Wedding Ring

Since the circle does not have a starting point or end, the rings are considered as symbols of eternity. The fourth finger was thought to contain the vein that connects to the heart.

2. The Bridal Shower

Bridal showers date from the 1890s and were carried out to strengthen the ties between the bride and her friends. They were also meant to provide moral support and help the bride prepare for her married life.

3. The Wedding Cake

Made from wheat, cakes were originally thrown at the bride or broken over her head as a symbol of fertility and prosperity. In today’s times, wedding cakes are just cut and served.

4. The Best Man

Dating back to around 200 AD, in some parts of Europe, a prospective bridegroom would capture his bride from a neighboring village. He was accompanied by his strongest friend (or best friend), to help him capture the bride.

5. The Garter and Bridal Bouquet Toss

This fun wedding tradition dates back to the 14th century when wedding attendees wanted a piece of cloth or garter from the bride. To protect herself, the bride would toss her bouquet into the crowd. The responsibility of tossing the garter is now to the groom.

6. The Bridal Bouquet

Originally, the bridal bouquet was made out of aromatic bunches of garlic, herbs and spices thought to drive away evil spirits. This has been replaced by flowers that carry special meanings in different cultures around the world.

7. Bridesmaids

In Ancient Rome, bridesmaids at a wedding were meant to protect the bride. Originally, the bridesmaids wore the same dress as the bride which was believed to confuse bad spirits.

8. Rice Throwing

The practice of throwing rice at a wedding is thought to symbolize showering the couple with good fortune. Nowadays rice is being replaced by alternatives such as confetti, bubbles, and sparklers.

9. Groomsmen

The tradition of having groomsmen as part of the wedding comes from the ancient tradition of kidnapping the bride, where fellow friends helped preventing the bride’s family from finding the couple.

10. Gift registry

The gift or bridal registry was originally a way for the couple to choose their fine china and silver for their big day. This has now been popularized to include wedding gifts for the couple.

Where to go for any wedding ideas and solutions?

Call Clarence House wedding venues Sydney today. With over sixty years of experience in hosting thousands of weddings, we know exactly how to make your wedding event unique, special and memorable. Call us today on (02) 9750 3555 or (02) 9789 1662 or send us an email at [email protected]
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Wedding News

List of the Best Flowers for June Wedding

Are you wondering which wedding flowers to choose for June?
June is a great month when it comes to wedding flowers as there are so many fabulous options at this time of the year. However, choosing the perfect wedding flowers that fit your style and match your colour choice can be overwhelming, especially when the choice is so huge. Here is a selection of the best flowers for a June wedding.

1. Roses

Roses thrive well in hot, humid weather and can take centre stage during the month of June. The large variety of scented roses will give you a more natural, garden-style flowers.

2. Lilies

These trumpet-shaped blossoms have a strong fragrance and can give a wedding bouquet of flowers that looks contemporary. The flowers can be used to add height and additional structure too tall centrepieces.

3. Delphiniums

These tall beauties will lend a country-garden feel to wedding arrangements and create a wow factor when placed in a vase. They come in all shades of blue from powder to cobalt and navy, and most colours are at their peak from the month of June.
Delphinium flowers can be incorporated into ceremony or reception arrangements, as well as arm sheaf bouquets.

4. Bishops flower

This delicate flower looks like cow parsley, is a great choice when it comes to the best flowers for a June wedding. The flowers hold better in the vase and the dainty heads will dance above the bigger flowers, creating a lightness and meadow feel.

5. Clematis

These are pink or purple flowers on a vine. The larger heads on the vines will enable the florist to create movement and interest outside the main body of the flower arrangement.

6. Daises

Daises are one of the cutest and most versatile blooms that will bring life to your June wedding flowers. There is nothing more cheerful than a vase full of daisies, which can pair well with yellow flowers. Daises are lovely flowers for a casual wedding.

7. Lavender

The scent of lavender is very unique and one should be familiar with the scent before choosing lavender for a bouquet. The flowers make a good choice for scattering from a flower girl’s basket.

6. Yarrow

Yarrow comes in yellow tones, as well as white, pink, and red and is attractive, adding a pleasant scent to wedding flower arrangements. The cut flowers last as long as three weeks, so brides can take these home to grace their tables after the wedding ceremony.

Where to go for your wedding flower arrangement and advice?

Call Clarence House wedding venues Sydney today. With over sixty years of experience in hosting thousands of weddings, we know exactly how to make your wedding event unique, special and memorable. Call us today on (02) 9750 3555 or (02) 9789 1662 or send us an email at [email protected]
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Wedding News

Wishes for Bride and Groom on a Wedding Day

Are you still trying to figure out what to write on a wedding card?

The wishes for the bride and groom are sent through cards on their wedding day. Wedding wishes can vary depending on whether the bride or groom is your family member, friend or co-worker. A great wedding message should be sentimental, sweet and tailored to the couple. Here is a guide, with specific examples, on wishes for the bride and groom on a wedding day.

1. Formal wedding wishes

You can use the theme of the ceremony to express your happiness for the bride and groom. For example, you can write: “Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be part of this wonderful day. Wishing you all the best in life as you embark on this wonderful journey together.”

2. Casual wedding wishes

It is acceptable to write a more casual wedding message in the card, regardless of who the recipient is. You can keep your wishes short and sweet, like “Best wishes!” or “Congratulations on your wedding!”

3. Funny wedding wishes

You can also write a funny message on the card that you think will make the couple laugh, as long as there are no offending jokes. Examples are “Be super good to each other” or “Thanks for inviting us to join in the fun as you get married. Big congrats!”

4. Religious wedding wishes

Religious wedding wishes include God and quote scripture. Consider the couple’s beliefs and practices and customize their message. Christian examples can be: “Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:4-13” or “Congratulations on your wedding! May God bless you and your union.”

5. Wedding wishes for a family member

You can choose to go general or very personal depending on how close you are to the family member. You can write: “Best wishes on your union and a warm welcome to the family!” or “Great addition to our family. I am so happy to celebrate with you. Hearty congratulations!”

6. Wedding wishes to a friend

You can choose a wedding wish for your friend based on how funny, serious or personal your relationship has been. You can write: “In all the times that we have known each other, this is a great joy to be part of your wedding celebration. You deserve the best love with your new (husband/wife).”

7. Wedding wishes to a co-worker

For your co-worker, you can go with the general wording, for example: “Congratulations on your wedding! Now, when you are on your honeymoon, do not even worry about work!”

Discuss your wedding ideas and more with Clarence House events experts

Make an appointment with Clarence House wedding venues Sydney professionals for all your wedding ideas and plans. With over sixty years of experience in hosting thousands of weddings, Clarence House knows exactly how to make your wedding event more intimate, special and memorable. Call us today on (02) 9750 3555 or (02) 9789 1662 or visit wedding venues Sydney send us an email at [email protected]
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Wedding News

Why You Should Hire a Wedding Planner in Sydney

Do you feel overwhelmed by the thought of planning a wedding? Are you still debating whether you should hire a wedding planner or not?
Planning a wedding can be very stressful as it is a continuous process of managing and solving all sorts of issues. A wedding planner is a professional consultant who can assist you with every task involved in planning your wedding, making the wedding process much easier and more enjoyable. Here is why you should hire a wedding planner in Sydney.

1. Taking off responsibilities off your shoulders

Preparing for a wedding can eat up a great deal of your time. Having a planner enables you to let go of those time-consuming responsibilities to a professional. Your wedding planner can take care of scheduling appointments, dealing with vendors and work through the nitty-gritty issues of your day.

2. Staying within your budget

Most couples work on a set-out budget and timeline. A wedding planner can help you get the most for your money and stick to your budget by getting you the best deals. He/she can help you determine what items can be cut from the budget. Hiring a good wedding planner will help you get things done according to the plan and keep you on schedule. 

3. Professional advice

A wedding planner will provide unbiased and creative feedback that may not come from anyone else. He/she can guide you through any tricky situations that may arise during wedding preparations.

4. Fresh ideas

Sometimes it may be difficult to come up with fun and unique style or theme ideas for your wedding. Professional wedding planners have countless brilliant and original ideas that can give you an unforgettable wedding experience.

5. Have trusted vendors

This is one of the best reasons why you must hire wedding planners. A wedding planner can recommend and help you secure the best vendor without you having to go through a lot of contracts and paperwork. He/she will negotiate deals that you would not get otherwise since they have ongoing relationships with most local vendors.

6. Minimize stress

Another huge benefit of hiring a wedding planner is that he/she can get rid of the stress that you may feel during the planning process. He/she will take care of your venue bookings, catering, transportation, photography, vendor hiring, invitations, return gifts, and everything else.

7. Curate all events

On the actual wedding day, it is convenient to have your planner take command of the venue and vendors, coordinate logistics, and make sure that everything runs smoothly. He/she will be the first one on the scene to fix any issues that may come up, leaving you to relax and enjoy your special day with loved ones.

Looking for a professional wedding planner to hire?

Call Clarence House wedding venues Sydney today. With over sixty years of experience in hosting thousands of weddings, we know exactly how to make your wedding event unique, special and memorable. Call us today on (02) 9750 3555 or (02) 9789 1662 or send us an email at [email protected]